Saturday, September 12, 2015

September 12, 2015

+ Article - "The Coddling of the American Mind" by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt at The Atlantic - Why are we so afraid of disagreement and debate?  Find out here.

+ Video - David Christian: The History of Our World in 18 Minutes by David Christian at TED Talks - Mr. Christian covers history from "the nothing" to the internet in 18 minutes.

+ Website - Big History Project - The Big History Project mentioned in the above video has a website with lessons and timelines.  Check it out here.

+ Essay - "Personality: The Body in Society" by Kevin Simler at Melting Asphalt - Nature vs. nurture?  Does our environment or our rearing make us who we are?  Maybe neither.  Read about it here.

+ Essay - "It Will Change Your Life - A South Africa Mission Reflection" by Monte Miller - My friend Monte went to South Africa this summer and it changed his life.  Read about his experience here and go support Door of Hope.

+ Article - "Inside the Salem Witch Trials" by Stacy Schiff at The New Yorker - The Salem Witch Trails have always fascinated me for some reason.  They were basically the historical equivalent of an internet argument in the comments section of a news article.  Read it here.

+ Article - "I'm a Millennial and I Don't Understand my Peers - Not Even a Little Bit" by Ryan Holiday in The Observer - I really identify with this essay.  "I don’t fear missing out, I worry constantly that I’m being irresponsible." Read it here.  

+ Article - "Here's the Real Solution to Millennial Angst" by Ryan Holiday in The Observer - Our generation is not special or different.  Not even a little bit.  Read it here.

+ Article - "Don't Send Your Kid to the Ivy League" by William Deresiewicz at New Republic -
This is more of an indictment of our entire education system than just one of Ivy League Schools.  Read it here.

+ Essay - "The Top of My Todo List" by Paul Graham - The mistakes that produce regret are often errors of omission.  Find out how to turn that around here.

+ Art - "Untitled" by my friend Josh Hill.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

September 3, 2015

Sorry for the hiatus...

+ Article - "The Cop" by Jake Halpern of The New Yorker - a profile of Darren Wilson.  It is interesting how uninteresting he is.  Read it here.

+ Article - "Inside Amazon: Wrestling Big Ideas in a Bruising Workplace" by Jodi Kantor and David Streitfeld at The New York Times - This place sounds terrible.  Read about it here.

+ Article - 'The Rise of Work-Doping" by Olga Khazan at the The Atlantic - Would you take it?  Find out here.

+ Article - "The Simple Truth About Gun Control" by Adam Gopnik at The New Yorker - My feelings on gun control are ever evolving.  I'm a gun owner and don't have an issue with gun ownership, but I also feel like it should be harder to get a gun.  Read it here.

+ Article - "Death by the Barrel" by Craig Lambert in Harvard Magazine - applying the scientific method to gun control.  If you have ever debated the gun control issue you need to read this.

+ Article - "Keep Your Identity Small" by Paul Graham - I wouldn't go as far as he suggests, but it is interesting to think about how your identity effects the quality of your arguments.  Read it here.

+ Article - "What Makes People Vote Republican" by Jonathan Haidt at Edge - This is really long, and academic, but its worth working through.  "Morality is not just about how we treat each other (as most liberals think); it is also about binding groups together, supporting essential institutions, and living in a sanctified and noble way. When Republicans say that Democrats "just don't get it," this is the "it" to which they refer."  Read it here.

+ Art - Artist Unknown

Thursday, July 9, 2015

July 9, 2015

+ Article - "Why We Can't Fall Asleep" by Maria Konnikova at The New Yorker - Why?  Why???  Read it here.

+ Article - "We Must Put an End to Gender Conversion Therapy For Kids" by Dan Karasic and Diane Ehrensaft at Wired - It is clear it does not work and that it causes real harm.  Read more here.

+ List - "The Best Books, Movies, and Podcasts to Learn About American History" by Greg Goldstone at Gear Patrol - It is clear from the social media posts I have suffered through the last few weeks that everyone could brush up on this subject.  See the list here.

+ Humor - "How Smart Phones Would Have Changed World History" by Teddy Wayne at the New Yorker - What if Moses had Siri?  By the way, everyone with an Iphone should ask Siri what zero divided by zero is.  She is a savage!  Read it here.

+ Article - "Shaming Spy Chiefs by Plastering Them All Over the World" by Laura Mallonee at Wired - Art can have power.  Read about it here.

+ Article - "Kids of Helicopter Parents are Sputtering Out" by Julie Lythcott-Haims at Slate - What kind of parent are you?  Can I be a Harrier jet?  Read more here.

+ Profile - "The Perfect Wife" by Ariel Levy at the New Yorker - This is a long read, but I really hope you make the effort.  This is a very human and romantic tale of love.  I think that if everyone had just one meaningful relationship with an LGBT person their opinions on the issues of the past few weeks would be different.  Read it here.

+ Art - Unknown.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

June 25, 2015

+ Article - "What This Cruel War Was Over" by Ta-Nehisi Coates at The Atlantic - This is an excellent and in-depth article that calls bull on all of the revisionist history floating around this week. The Civil War was about slavery and white supremacy in the South.  Period. Read it here.

+ Article - "Equality and the Confederate Flag" by Jelani Cobb at The New Yorker - I take exception with "the flag" as the symbol of Southern pride.  Beyond that, it doesn't matter how I view the flag, or what its original purpose or history were.  Its symbolism and power only matter now because it has been appropriated by people who hate. It is a powerful symbol of prejudice and I believe our citizenship and our faith demand we stand on the right side of this issue.  The flag should come down.  Read it more here.

+ Article - "Millennials are Just as Racist as Their Parents" by Scott Clement - We are not the enlightened generations.  Read it here.

+ Article - "Charleston and the Next Time" by Adam Gopnik at The New Yorker - As a hunter I am currently very confused about my feelings regarding gun control.  Read more here.

+ Article - "Prison Revolt" by Bill Keller at The New Yorker - "Criminal justice reformers like to say that if a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged, a liberal is a conservative who has served time."  Read more here about conservatives leading a charge to reform our prison system.  Its time.

+ Article - "The Joy of Work" by Rashida Jones for Wired - Noting revolutionary here, but the format is awesome and it is an enjoyable read.  Read it here.

+ Article - "There's no Business Like Slow Business" by Philip Delves Broughton - I'd be happy to lead this movement in America.  We are way too busy being busy.  Read it here.

+ Article - "A World Without Work" by Derek Thompson at The Atlantic - These are interesting times.  We automate more and more and yet we are rediscovering the value of things made by hand, or locally grown.  Read more here.

+ Song - "Funny How Time Slips Away" by Willie Nelson - Put this on in your kitchen, grab your one true love, and dance.  You'll thank me later.

+ Art - Artist Unknown.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

June 18, 2015

I apologize for the unannounced two week hiatus.  Life sometimes gets in the way.

+ Article - "How to Stay Alive" by Jack Seemer at Gear Patrol - Advice on the 10 essentials approach to back-country preparedness.  Read more here.

+ Article - "How to Tie 12 Knots" by Tucker Bowe at Gear Patrol - Video tutorials for a host of useful knots.  Learn em!  Watch here.

+ Article - "Murders in Charleston" by Jelani Cobb at The New Yorker - I had decided that I was going to post nothing but fun links this week because I'm emotionally exhausted.  However, this tragedy can't be ignored.  This is the convergence of the race issues we face as a country AND the fact that its far too easy to be a mass murderer in America.  Read more here.

+ Article - "Always Innovative Toronto Public Library Lets us Check Out Humans as Well as Books" by Paul Gallant at Yonge Street - This is just a really cool idea.  Read about it here.

+ Listen - "Strange Trails" by Lord Huron.  This is a great rock album.

+ Book - "The Sun Also Rises" by Ernest Hemingway - I consistently list this as my favorite book, but I can't really put my finger on why.  I have read it at least once a year since I was in high school.  Order it here.

+ Art - "In the Dust" by Mark Maggiori.  I have really been missing Texas lately and have been staring at these paintings.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

May 28, 2015

+ Article - "Why it Pays to Be a Jerk" by Jerry Useem at The Atlantic - Traits that serve you in one context don't necessarily serve you in another.  You must be adaptable.  Read more here.

+ Article - "The Triumph (and Failure) of John Nash's Game Theory" by John Cassidy - You are likely familiar with John Nash from the movie A Beautiful Mind.  This is why he was important.  Read more here.

+ Article - "The New Rules of Business" by Chris Elvidge at The Journal for Mr. Porter - If I could transplant one gene into the people I work with it would be Rule #1.  Read them here.

+ Article - "The Rise and Fall of Silk Road Part II" by Joshuah Bearman at Wired - I posted Part I several weeks ago and highly recommend that you finish the story.  Reality is often better than fiction.  Read it here.

+ Article - "Man & Boy: Velvet Revolution" by Mr. John Brodie at The Journal for Mr. Porter - There is something to be said for not enjoying the good things in life until you can pay for them yourself.  As an admittedly spoiled only child I've found myself questioning many of my assumptions as I guide two little people through the world.  Read more here.

+ Art - "Buffalo Herder" by Mark Maggiori.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

May 14, 2015

+ Article - "The Cruel and Unusual Execution of Clayton Lockett" by Jeffrey E. Stern at The Atlantic -  If you read nothing else this week I think you should read this.  If you support the death penalty you definitely need to read this, and then go think long and hard about why you support it.  Read it here, but be warned - it is a tough read.

+ Article - "Home Economics: The Link Between Work-Life Balance and Income Equality" by Stephen Marche at The Atlantic - This article hits a lot of issues and seems to struggle to find a thesis, but is still a great read on a very important topic.  Read it here.  Read this one too...

+ Article - "The President and Poverty" by Paul Elie at The New Yorker - Class segregation is real and is happening all around us.  Read more here.

+ Video - "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Paid Family Leave" from HBO - John Oliver is smart and funny and tackles tough issues with wit and sensitivity.  Paid family leave should exist.  We are basically the only country in the developed world (and much of the undeveloped one) that doesn't offer it.  We can't claim that the family is the foundation of American society while totally ignoring the realities of family life.  Watch it here.

+ Art - Photographer unknown, but I would title this one "Life Goals".

Thursday, May 7, 2015

May 7, 2015

+ Article - "The G.O.P.'s War on Science Gets Worse" by Elizabeth Kolbert at The New Yorker - Climate change is not up for debate.  Deal with it.  Read more here, and vote better next time.

+ Article - "The Unexpected Pleasure of Doing Things Alone" by Joe Pinsker at The Atlantic - When I was in law school I would go out to eat or to movies by myself all the time.  It is weird to me that people are afraid to be alone.  Read more here.

+ Article - "What Norway Can Teach the U.S. About Getting More Women into Boardrooms" - A lot probably.  Read more here.

+ Article - "What Does Middle Class Even Mean?" by Gillian B. White at The Atlantic - As the inequality gap grows, so too does our perception that we are poorer than we really are.  Read more here.

+ Article - "The 2016 Presidential Race: A Cheat Sheet" by David A. Graham at The Atlantic - Oh my God I'm already tired of talking about this, and we have a long way to go.  I think at this point John Stewart is our best bet.  Get depressed here.

+ Art - "Michael Jackson and Bubbles" (1988) by Jeff Koons - I'm sorry.  You'll never be able to un-see this one.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

April 30, 2015

+ Article - "Wearing a Suit Makes People Think Differently" by Joe Pinsker at The Atlantic - I wear a suit almost every day, even though I work in an environment where casual dress is the norm.  I don't just do it to "look nice".  I've long believed that slipping on a well tailored suit makes you feel like your best self.  Turns out I was right.  Read more here.

+ Article - "The Untold Story of Silk Road" by Joshua Bearman at Wired.  This story has fascinated me for a while now, and this is an excellent article on how a kid taught himself to code and became one of the world's biggest drug kingpins.  Read it here.

+ Article - "The Childless Millennial" by Olga Khazan at The Atlantic - All the single ladies...All the single ladies...Attention humans - you are never going to have it all figured out and the timing will never be right.  Just do it.  See what I did there?  Read more here.

+ Article - "The Genius of 'Want to Grab Coffee?'" by Olga Khazan at The Atlantic - Young people I demand that you learn these skills.  Learn to speak to people and build relationships.  In business (and life), it is all about who you know.  Not just to get the job, but to keep it.  Success in business is all about relationships and influence.  Learn how to build both.  Read more here.

+ Article - "The Virtual Candidate" by Ryan Lizza at The New Yorker - Elizabeth Warren is the most interesting thing happening in the Senate right now.  Read her profile here.

+ Article - "Staying Alert with the UPS Hot Spares" by Jan Tegler at Gear Patrol.  Ever wonder how UPS (almost) always gets your overnight packages to you on time?  They scramble the jets!  Read more here.

+ Art - Artist unknown, but seriously if I was a skeleton, I'm pretty sure this is what I would look like...

Thursday, April 23, 2015

April 23, 2015

+ Song -  "Photosynthesis" by Frank Turner - Listen. This is all you need this week.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

April 16, 2015

+ Article - "Moving to Mars" by Tom Kizzia at The New Yorker - This is like "Biodome" without Pauly Shore and with way more science.  Adventure awaits.  Read more here.

+ Articles - "The Case for Free-Range Parenting" and "The 1979 6-Year-Old: Less Reading, More Range" by Clemens Wergen at the New York Times and KJ Antonia at Slate, respectively  This topic fascinates me as I felt like I was allowed a ton of freedom as a child, but now am fearful when my son is in the backyard by himself.  I would love to hear everyone's thoughts on these.  Read them here and here.

+ Article - "Want to See Domestic Spying's Future? Follow the Drug War" by Andy Greenberg at Wired - Bad boys, bad boys...Read more here.

+ Article - "The Plot to Free North Korea with Smuggled Episodes of 'Friends'" by Andy Greenberg at Wired - If Chandler Bing can't save them, no one can.  Read more here.

+ Article - "The Myth of Wealthy Men and Beautiful Women" by James Hamblin at The Atlantic - There might be hope for the world after all.  Read it here.

+ Article - "The Eternal Return of Buzzfeed" by Adrienne LaFrance and Robinson Meyer at The Atlantic - Buzzfeed is garbage and wildly fascinating at the same time.  Read more here.

+ Art - "Self Portrait" (1920s) by Will James

Thursday, April 9, 2015

April 9, 2015

+ Article - "Sight Unseen, the Hows and Whys of Invisibility" by Kathryn Schulz at The New Yorker - Now you see me... Read more here.

+ Article - "Here's Google Secret to Hiring the Best People" by Laszlo Brock at Wired - Quality matters and interviews are terrible.  Find out why.  Read more here.

+ Article - "Experiments in Sobriety" by Ceridwen Dovey at The New Yorker - It is now socially acceptable to spend entire weekends drunk or hungover...only, it's not really.  Read more here.

+ Blog - "Swell Voyage" - follow Patagonia ambassador Liz Clark on her sailing and surfing adventure around the world.  This girl is truly inspirational. See it here.

+ Article - "How Women Change Men" by Sarah Yager at The Atlantic - "Men who have daughters also grow less attached to traditional gender roles: they become less likely to agree with the statement that “a woman’s place is in the home,” for instance, and more likely to agree that men should wash dishes and do other chores".  True life.  Read more here.

+ Article - "The Science of Why You Should Spend Your Money on Experiences, Not Things" by Jay Cassano at Fast Company.  Read it here and buy different things. 

+Art - "Unknown" by Zachary Johnson.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

April 2, 2015

+ Article - "The Audacity of Talking About Race With the Ku Klux Klan" by Conor Friedersdorf at The Atlantic - Now this is discipleship.  Read it here.

+ Article - "The Nerd Hunter" by Stephen Rodrick at The New Yorker - The lady responsible for my generation's greatest comedy casting.  Read it here.

+ Article - "Born Red" by Evan Osnos at The New Yorker - A profile of China's Xi Jinping.  He leads the world's most populated country and its largest economy.  You should know who he is.  Read about him here.

+ Guidebook - "Leashing the Black Dog" by Brett and Kate McKay at The Art of Manliness - More of us deal with depression than we think and no one really talks about it.  Read about it here.

+ Article - "The War Over Vaping's Health Risks is Getting Dirty" by Danielle Venton at Wired - I do not approve of vaping.  That is all.  Read it here.

+ Website - "SV Delos" - I am currently obsessed with sailing and these people have found a pretty
interesting way to do what they love.  See it here.

+ Article - "Fathers, You Can't Afford a Stay at Home Mom" by Steven Nelms at We Are Glory.  I know I can't afford mine.  Read it here.

+Art? - "Fresh From the Oven" (2015) by Jessica Hagy at Indexed.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

March 26, 2015

+ Article - "Don't be that Gen-Y Guy" by Jack Otter at Men's Fitness - This should be required reading for every young man or woman entering the work force.  It is also a great reminder for mentors that a society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.  Read it here.

+ Article - "The Unclassified Laws of Etiquette" by Brett and Kate McKay at The Art of Manliness - Our society would be better off if we paid more attention to courteous behavior.  Read more here.

I did not get a chance to do much reading this week, but I have been listening to a lot of great soul and R&B.  Enjoy.  I accept no responsibility for the consequences of the romantic feelings inspired by these songs.

+ Song - "Sugarfoot" by Black Joe Lewis and the Honeybears - If you don't dance to this you have no soul.

+ Song - "Call Me" by St. Paul and The Broken Bones - This white boy went to church!

+ Song - "When You're Here" by John Fullbright - So many feelings.

+ Song - "007 (Shanty town)" by Desmond Dekker and the Aces.  Get happy.

+ Song - "Deed I Do" by Ray Charles - Truly a genius.

+ Art - The Kennedys from Shopped Tatoos - Artist Unknown.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

March 19, 2015

+ Article - "The Science of Near Death Experiences" by Gideon Lichfield at The Atlantic - When I was in junior high someone gave me a book describing the near death experience of a young man.  The idea has always fascinated me, as I think it does us all, because it is the closest we get this side of the big sleep to knowing what is on the other side.  Read it here.

+Story - "The Grand Voyage" by John Middendorf - When I was young I would page through copies of Climbing Magazine and read about my heroes in the climbing world.  This story stuck with me.  Read it here.

+ Article - "The Biggest Threat to America's Future is...America" by John Cassidy at The New Yorker - I wish everyone in Congress would read this article and take its point to heart.  Scoring political points ahead of crafting good policy is bad for business.  Read it here.

+ Article - "Teaching Doubt" by Lawrence M. Krauss at The New Yorker - Nothing is sacred.  Read it here.

+ List - "Harper's Index" from Harper's Magazine (April 2015) - Don't go witching in India.  Read it here.

+ Article - "The Good News About Obamacare" by John Cassidy at The New Yorker.  Read it here.

+ Article - "Why was a 9th Century Viking Woman Buried with a Ring that says 'for Allah' on it?" by Adam Taylor at The Washington Post.  We need GPS to visit places in our own cities.  Our ancestors traveled vast distances using nothing more than the stars, and it has always amazed me how far people traveled in antiquity.  Read about it here.

+ Art - Kandinsky (1913) - In honor of Mrs. Hulsey.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

March 12, 2015

+ Article - "Where the Bodies are Buried" by Patrick Radden Keefe - A fascinating long-form article on "The Troubles" in Northern Ireland.  Read it here.

+ Article - "Report: CIA Has Tried for Years to Break into Apple Gear" by Issie Lapowsky at Wired - I'm not sure if I should feel comforted that my Apple products are secure, or scared that the CIA can't beat the encryption.  Read it here.

+ Article - "Richer and Poorer" by Jill Lepore at The New Yorker - Income inequality is real, and we in the middle class have as much to fear from it as those at the bottom.  Read it here.

+ Articles - "Congress's Poison-Pen Letter to Iran" by Amy Davidson at The New Yorker and "Congress Tries to go Beyond Trolling on Foreign Policy" by Daniel Drezner at The Washington Post - I have no idea what to think about this event.  Our government has been absolutely baffling lately.  Read them here and here.

+ Venn Diagrams - "The Art of War in 7 Charts" created by Jessica Hagy - People have been applying the principals from The Art of War to much more than war for ages.  Seeing the principals in chart form is fascinating.  See them here.

+ Article - "How Parents Create Narcissistic Children" by Lenny Bernstein - I really don't want to mess this up.  Read more here.

+ Article - "12 Examples of Evolution Happening Right Now" by Erin Bodwin at Business Insider.  Recommended by the illustrious Mrs. Hulsey.  It is real and it is happening.  Science.  Read it here.

+ Article - "So When is it Going to Be Time" by Kara Swisher - A look at the open letter written by Google CFO Patrick Pichette regarding his impending retirement.  Do your values drive your decision making?  Read it here.

+ Art - "The Entombment of Christ" (1603-1604) by Caravaggio.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

March 5, 2015

Article - "Break-in at Y-12" by Eric Schlosser at The New Yorker - A really interesting story that happened right here at home.  Read it here.

Article - "A Brewing Problem" by James Hamblin at The Atlantic - I actually hesitated to include this article because I do not want to contribute to anyone's sense of guilt.  I go through a lot of K-cups and I'm apparently part of the problem.  Read about it here.

Article - "Why Audiophiles are Paying $1,000 for this Man's Vinyl" by Rene Chun at Wired.  Everything you could ever want to know about why Vinyl sounds so good.  Read it here.

Book - "Blood Meridian" by Cormac McCarthy - I realize that this book came out in 1985, but I have read it at least once a year since I first picked it up when I was 26.  Much has been made of this novel and I have nothing new to add to the discussion.  It is difficult, and scary, and beautiful, and funny, and rewarding in a way that is hard to describe.  It takes effort - something I think all great books require.  Buy the paperback here, and travel with it.

Article - "Christian, or Feminist?" by Emma Green at The Atlantic - I don't think anyone in the church is really talking about sexuality and gender in a way that younger generations identify with.  Read more here.

Article - "Netanyahu's Zero-sum Game on Iran" by David Ignatious at The Washington Post - This was certainly the biggest news story this week, and it feels like it was ripped straight from an episode of House of Cards.  Read about it here.

Video - "Love Has no Labels" - Deal with it.  Watch it here.

Art - "Still-life with Dead Game, Fruits, and Vegetables in a Market" (1614) by Frans Snyders.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

February 26, 2015

Article - "Why Everyone Was Wrong with Net Neutrality" by Tim Wu at The New Yorker - This is a huge deal.  Read about it here.

Article - "Xiaomi’s Great New Phone Is a Lot Like an iPhone. Apple Should Take Note" by Marcus Wohlsen at Wired - They need a competitor.  Read it here.

Biography - "The Life of Jack London" by Brett and Kate McKay at The Art of Manliness - I didn't know Jack London was half as interesting as he is.  It is an eleven part series, but totally worth the time.  Read it here.  His credo...

I would rather be ashes than dust! 
I would rather that my spark should burn out 
    in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry-rot. 
I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom 
    of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. 
The function of man is to live, not to exist. 
I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them. 
I shall use my time. 

Article - "The Source of Contentment" by Leo Babauta at Zen Habits.  We all need this reminder.  Read it here.

Maps - "The Religious States of America, in 22 Maps" by Niraj Chokshi at The Washington Post - Recommended by my friend Josh Hill - Find your way here.

Article - "Why Schools are Failing Our Boys" by Jennifer Fink at The Washington Post - Also recommended by Mr. Hill - Are we killing their spirits?  Read it here.

Knowledge - "The Harvard Classics" selected by Charles W. Eliot - I started working my way through these last year, and it is an amazing free collection of the great works.  Read them here.

Art - "Mark" (1979) by Chuck Close.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

February 19, 2015

+Article - "What ISIS Really Wants" by Graeme Wood at The Atlantic - I would really be interested to hear what everyone thinks about this one.  This is the best summation and analysis of the relationship between Islam and extremism that I have seen in a long time.  Read it here.

+Article - "How Chris Mccandless Died, an Update" by Jon Krakauer - I first read "Into the Wild" when I was in high school and have read it several times since.  It was both a cautionary tale and a source of inspiration for a kid who envisioned himself walking off into the woods some day.  Read the update to the story here.

+Article - "How Children Learn to Read" by Maria Konnikova at The New Yorker - It is funny what you take for granted until you are responsible for little humans.  Learn more here.

+Article - "The Shape of Things to Come" by Ian Parker at The New Yorker - A profile of Sir Jonathan Ive, the designer of your favorite Apple products.  Regardless of what you think of the products, he is one of the most influential people on the planet right now.  Read it here.

+Article - "Find the Gap: How Jack Ma and Elon Musk See What Others Miss" by Amy Wilkinson - Passed along by my dad.  What are you missing?  Read it here.

+Book - "The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload" by Daniel J. Levitin - This site is evidence enough that I needed to read this book.  From the book: "In 2011, Americans took in five times as much information  every day as they did in 1986 - the equivalent of 175 newspapers.  During our leisure time, not counting work, each of us processes 34 gigabytes or 100,000 words every day."  Buy it here.

+App - "Stop, Breathe, & Think" - A guided meditation app that asks you how you are feeling and then recommends specific sessions for you.  I hesitate to admit this, but I have tried to learn to meditate several times.  There is something about these sessions that is working.  Learn more here.

+Art - "The Kiss" (1908) by Gustav Klimt.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

February 12, 2015

+Article - "The Horror Before the Beheadings" by RUKMINI CALLIMACHI of the The New York Times - The news desensitizes us to the plight of these captives in many ways.  Read about the human cost here.

+Article - "Obama's War on ISIS, Let the Debate Begin" by John Cassidy of The New Yorker.  We are going to war again.  Read about it here.  

+Article - "No Family Left Behind" by Rebecca Ruiz - An incredibly telling article on America's maternity policy that points out how wrong we are on this issue.  Profits shouldn't be more important than people.  Great quote - “For a nation whose leaders so often talk about valuing families, we do so little to reflect quote-unquote family values in our policies.” Read it here

+Article - "This 10-Minute Strategy Can Help You Stop Procrastinating" by Suresh Rathinam of Quora - I'm not sure anything can help, as this blog proves.  Do your best here.  

+Article - "How Young People Can Get Rich Slowly" by William Bernstein from Business Insider - This was terrifying.  Read it here.  

+Song - "When You're Here" by John Fullbright - This guy has an incredible voice and the lyrics are fantastic.  Many thanks to an illustrious colleague for the hot tip.  

+Book - "Deliverance" by James Dickey - Stow your banjo jokes for a moment and go find this book.  Hands down one of the best adventure novels ever written.  Find it here.  

+Art "Doge Enrico Dandolo Recruiting for the Crusade (1621)" by Jean Achille Leclerc.  Seems fitting considering this week's news.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

February 4, 2015

+Lecture - "How School Kills Creativity" by Ken Robinson.  Funny and thought provoking.  Watch it here.

+Article - "U.S. Tax Code Travesty" by John Cassidy of The New Yorker - we are a stupid people sometimes.  Read it here.

+Article - "The Common Core has not Killed Literature" by Meaghan Freeman of The Atlantic - the response to last week's article (here).  Read it here.

+Book - “The Modern Gentleman – A Guide to Essential Manners, Savvy, and Vice” – by Phineas Mollod and Jason Tesauro - I've always loved etiquette manuals for some reason and I think being a gentleman is a dying art.  I gave a copy of this one to all of my groomsman and I think that its both interesting and funny.  Buy it here.

+Office - What's in your drawer?  Read this.

+Article - "Fathering With Intentionality: The Importance of Creating a Family Culture” by Brett and Kate McKay - this article really got me thinking about being intentional in how I go about crafting our family culture.  Read it here.

+Listen - "Ode to Viceroy" by Mac Demarco.  This is just good.

+Art - "The General" by Unknown - In honor of Ground Hog Day.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

January 29, 2015

+Video - "Here We Go" by Drew Holcomb - I have been watching this video over and over and it makes me smile every time.  Who doesn't like dancing bananas?

+Article - "The Wisdom Deficit in Schools" by Michael Godsey from The Atlantic - I'm not sure how I feel yet about the Common Core, but this doesn't make me feel good about it.  Quote that matters – “The country’s disregard for the institutional transfer of cultural wisdom is evident with this single observation: None of the state assessments has a single question about the content of any classic literature.”  Read it here.

+Article - “Why Did Vaccinated People Get Measles at Disneyland?  Blame the Unvaccinated” by Katie M. Palmer at Wired - Vaccinate your children.  That is all.  Read it here.

+Book - “Triumphing Over Sinful Fear” by John Flavel - This book is the most important book I've read in the last five years, and it was written in the 1600s.  Purchase it here.

+Podcast - Invisibilia, "Fearless" - An exploration of fear and how we might control it.  Listen to it here.

+Article - "Koch Brothers Put Price Tag On 2016: $889 Million"  by Peter Overby at NPR - My boy Teddy R. the "Bull Moose" would lose his mind reading this.  Read it here.

+Article - "The Greatest Lawyer Who Ever Lived, or so says Joe Jamail" by John Spong at Texas Monthly - Recommended by an illustrious friend, any article that begins with the following disclaimer begs reading:  Legal disclaimer: “Salty language” doesn’t begin to describe the words Jamail uses in this piece. If you read on, which we recommend, and find yourself offended, you will have no appeal.  The website has a pay-wall, but pick up your copy off of your coffee table (you all subscribe right?), or find it at your local fine bookstore.  Read a sample here.

+Painting - "Sadak in Search of the Waters of Oblivion" (1812) - by John Martin.


Thursday, January 15, 2015

January 15, 2015

+ Article - "Love is All You Need" by Brett and Kate McKay from the Art of Manliness - insights from the longest longitudinal study on men ever conducted.  A fascinating read on the power of love.  Read it here.

+ Podcast - This American Life "Batman" - an inspiring look at the power of positive expectations, and the damage done when we expect too little.  It has nothing to do with The Caped Crusader.   Listen here.

+ Article - "God is at Work in Your Unremarkable Days" by John Bloom from Desiring God - what was God doing in that incredible expanse of unrecorded time in Genesis?  Read it here.

+ Article - "Satire Lives" by Adam Gopnik from The New Yorker - the right to mock and blaspheme; and the danger of diminishing the sacrifice of those murdered at Charlie Hebdo if we give their actions and art too noble a tint.  Read it here.

+ Book - "I'll Drink to That" by Betty Halbreich - the memoir of Bergdorf Goodman's legendary personal shopper.  Ignore the clothes if you want.  Great observations on materialism, family, vocation, and a part of American life that doesn't exist anymore.  Buy it here or download it for free at your local library.

+ Podcast - Serial - I realize I am late to the party in singing this podcast's praises, but this is a captivating story and is incredibly well produced.  I listened to the entire thing in three days.  Listen here.

+ Quote - "Hot baths, cold champagne, new peas, and old brandy." Sir Winston Churchill on the necessities of life.

+Painting - "The Monk by the Sea" (1808-1810) - by Caspar David Friedrich.