Thursday, May 28, 2015

May 28, 2015

+ Article - "Why it Pays to Be a Jerk" by Jerry Useem at The Atlantic - Traits that serve you in one context don't necessarily serve you in another.  You must be adaptable.  Read more here.

+ Article - "The Triumph (and Failure) of John Nash's Game Theory" by John Cassidy - You are likely familiar with John Nash from the movie A Beautiful Mind.  This is why he was important.  Read more here.

+ Article - "The New Rules of Business" by Chris Elvidge at The Journal for Mr. Porter - If I could transplant one gene into the people I work with it would be Rule #1.  Read them here.

+ Article - "The Rise and Fall of Silk Road Part II" by Joshuah Bearman at Wired - I posted Part I several weeks ago and highly recommend that you finish the story.  Reality is often better than fiction.  Read it here.

+ Article - "Man & Boy: Velvet Revolution" by Mr. John Brodie at The Journal for Mr. Porter - There is something to be said for not enjoying the good things in life until you can pay for them yourself.  As an admittedly spoiled only child I've found myself questioning many of my assumptions as I guide two little people through the world.  Read more here.

+ Art - "Buffalo Herder" by Mark Maggiori.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

May 14, 2015

+ Article - "The Cruel and Unusual Execution of Clayton Lockett" by Jeffrey E. Stern at The Atlantic -  If you read nothing else this week I think you should read this.  If you support the death penalty you definitely need to read this, and then go think long and hard about why you support it.  Read it here, but be warned - it is a tough read.

+ Article - "Home Economics: The Link Between Work-Life Balance and Income Equality" by Stephen Marche at The Atlantic - This article hits a lot of issues and seems to struggle to find a thesis, but is still a great read on a very important topic.  Read it here.  Read this one too...

+ Article - "The President and Poverty" by Paul Elie at The New Yorker - Class segregation is real and is happening all around us.  Read more here.

+ Video - "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Paid Family Leave" from HBO - John Oliver is smart and funny and tackles tough issues with wit and sensitivity.  Paid family leave should exist.  We are basically the only country in the developed world (and much of the undeveloped one) that doesn't offer it.  We can't claim that the family is the foundation of American society while totally ignoring the realities of family life.  Watch it here.

+ Art - Photographer unknown, but I would title this one "Life Goals".

Thursday, May 7, 2015

May 7, 2015

+ Article - "The G.O.P.'s War on Science Gets Worse" by Elizabeth Kolbert at The New Yorker - Climate change is not up for debate.  Deal with it.  Read more here, and vote better next time.

+ Article - "The Unexpected Pleasure of Doing Things Alone" by Joe Pinsker at The Atlantic - When I was in law school I would go out to eat or to movies by myself all the time.  It is weird to me that people are afraid to be alone.  Read more here.

+ Article - "What Norway Can Teach the U.S. About Getting More Women into Boardrooms" - A lot probably.  Read more here.

+ Article - "What Does Middle Class Even Mean?" by Gillian B. White at The Atlantic - As the inequality gap grows, so too does our perception that we are poorer than we really are.  Read more here.

+ Article - "The 2016 Presidential Race: A Cheat Sheet" by David A. Graham at The Atlantic - Oh my God I'm already tired of talking about this, and we have a long way to go.  I think at this point John Stewart is our best bet.  Get depressed here.

+ Art - "Michael Jackson and Bubbles" (1988) by Jeff Koons - I'm sorry.  You'll never be able to un-see this one.